
Accessible Ballot Request Deadlines

March Special Election - 44th Council District: Last day to apply online is March 15, 2025. You may still apply in person at your county board of elections through March 24, 2025.

April Special Election - 51st Council District: Last day to apply online is April 19, 2025. You may still apply in person at your county board of elections through April 28, 2025.

June Primary Election: Last day to apply online is June 14, 2025. You may still apply in person at your county board of elections through June 23, 2025.

November General Election: Last day to apply online is October 25, 2025. You may still apply in person at your county board of elections through November 3, 2025.


Request Accessible Ballot

Additional Qualifications to Vote by Accessible Ballot

  • You have a print disability, which means any disability that interferes with the effective reading, writing, or use of printed material, and that such disability prevents you from being able to independently cast a paper ballot
  • You require use of an accessible electronic ballot in order to vote privately and independently.

If you have a print disability, which means any disability that interferes with the effective reading, writing, or use of printed material, and require a ballot with accessible features you may apply using the online Accessible Ballot Application. Print disabilities include blindness, low vision, dyslexia, dysgraphia, learning disabilities, and physical disabilities that limit writing abilities.

Voters using the accessible ballot system are responsible for printing their ballot. Voters who need printing services can access such services at public printing resources, including but not limited to, libraries, print stores, shipping stores, and office supply stores. Voters should contact their local printing resources for details on the printing services offered.

Voters with disabilities are also able to vote in-person using an accessible Ballot Marking Device (“BMD”), either during early voting or on Election Day.

If you cannot affirm that you have a print disability, you must request a paper ballot.

Personal Information

Only registered New York City voters may apply for an accessible ballot.

Please enter your information exactly as it appears in your voter record. Failure to do so may result in a “Record Not Found”.

This does not mean you are not eligible.

*All Fields Are Required